Indian Dog Breeds | Top - 20 |

Top Indian Dog Breeds.

Call it fascination,obsession or Call it social compliance.Most of the dogs we have chosen to share our space has to be a pedigree breed. Not just any Pedigree, but the European and American breeds in general.

Most of the dog breeds that we see today are influenced by the media, such as the Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Pug, and Saint Bernard. And even the people who own these dogs often admit that they didn't even know about them before they appeared on television.

The only ones who suffer in the battle to be ' new ' and ' forward-thinking ' are the poor Indian dogs. No, this article is not in defense of the poor street dogs that have been abandoned. Indies as they are famously called  have experienced a recent rise in attention and adoption.

Yet Indian dog breeds are the real victims and our beloved protagonists. Breeds that have been developed in India and originated in our country but have been so largely ignored that are now very numerically depleted.

Most of these Indian dog breeds, let alone seen by most people in India, are quite unheard of. Our craze for Foriegn breeds as well as overbreeding many western breeds has resulted into the extinction of Indian dog breeds.

Some people across the country realized this problem gradually and decided to revive many of these Indian dog breeds.

List of best Indian dog breeds:

1) Bakharwal Dog
2) Bully Kutta
3) Chippiparai
4) Kombai
5) Gaddi Kutta
6) Gull Dong
7) Gull Terrier
8) Indian Spitz
9) Jonangi
10) Kaikadi 
11) Kanni
12) Kumaon Mastiff
13) Mahratta Greyhound
14) Mudhol Hound
15) Pandikona
16) Indian Pariah Dog
17) Rajapalayam
18) Rampur Greyhound
19) Vanjari Hound
20) Vikhan Sheepdog

1) Bakharwal

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Bakharwal dog is one of the ancient working Indian dog breeds found throughout India's Pir Panjal Range, where the Bakarwal and Gujjar nomadic tribes have been raising it for many centuries as a livestock guardian dog and village protector. Bakharwal dog has been used to capture miltants by the police across the country.

Bakarwal is a medium to big, strong, heavy bone dog. It is an athletic and vigorous breed, a typical mountain dog with a fluffy coat and plumy tail that gives it a majestic appearance. It looks like Tibetan Mastiff's medium version. It's mostly black at the toes and chest with white. The dog has a vegan diet consisting mainly of rice chaff, maize and milk rolls but some people also clain that they can be fed meat !

Common colors are black and brindle, red, fawn, pied, sand, white, and brindle.Bakarwal is a breed which matures slowly, with only 3-4 pups littering once a year. Less furry coat and less plumy tail are observed in the Bakarwal strain of Ladakhi.

Features of this Best Indian Dog Breed

Height : 24 to 30 inches
Weight - 30 to 42 Kgs
Lifespan - 8 to 11 yrs
Price - 2000 to 6000 INR
Group - N/A

2) Bully Kutta

 Best Indian Dog breeds

The Bully Kutta, also known as the Indian Mastiff or Pakistani Mastiff is a breed of large working dog originating from the 16th century in Indian subcontinent. The Bully Kutta is a working dog used to hunt and patrol. The dog breed is common in India and Pakistan's Punjab region, including Haryana and Delhi.

Bully Kutta translates literally into a heavily wrinkled Dog. The word Bully derives from the root word of the Bohli languages Hindi-Urdu and Punjabi, meaning heavily wrinkled and Kutta means dog.

The Bully Kutta originated in the Indian subcontinent, either in the Sind region or in the Thanjavur and Tiruchi districts of Madras in undivided India.The Bully Kutta was a favorite pet of ruling families in Thanjavur. The Mughal emperor Akbar owned a Bully dog that he often used to hunt.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Working Dog
Height : 28 to 44 inches
Weight : 60 to 89 Kg
Lifespan : 6 to 8 years
Price : 5000 to 20000 INR

3) Chippiparai 

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Chippiparai is a south Indian sighthound breed of dog. It is a strong and single-colored variant of Tamil Nadu's native Hound dog, now found in the area around Periyar Lake, It is also called Kanni which comes in colours like black and tan, black and sand variants. It is primarily used for wild boar, deer and hare hunting. It is also used to guard the house.

Bred by royal families in Chippiparai, Tamil Nadu district of Virudhunagar, it has been maintained as a sign of royalty and honor mostly by the rulers of Tirunelveli and Madurai.

A fawn, black, reddish brown, black tinged fur, silver-gray, with very small white markings or no white markings and long curved tail is standard color. Other colors, especially gray and fawn variations, also occur.

It has a very close short fur; all in all, if the coat is groomed, it has a shine on it. There is a great desire for a smooth, shell-like look. This style of coat makes it perfect for hot climates. This hound is also less prone to ticks and fleas, providing easy detection due to their short coat. This is one of the Indian dog breeds which looks somewhat like greyhound !

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound Dog
Height : 31 to 38 inches
Weight : 15 to 20 Kg
Lifespan : 13 to 14 years
Price : 5000 to 12000 INR

4) Kombai

 Best Indian Dog breeds

The Combai is one of the Indian dog breeds believed to have evolved in the hills of South India's western ghats. This Dog is known for its toughness and loyalty.This breed has almost been pushed to the brink of extinction, and now dog lovers have revived them across Tamil Nadu state and played a key role in popularizing the breed in other Indian states. 

It is considered a native race that is extremely loyal, intelligent and powerful. For its balanced squarish shape, sharp motions, gait, trot, facial structure and tail catch, the dog can be categorized as a terrier breed.

Kombai has a double coat on the outer and soft fawn colored inner coat with brick coarse short hair that gives it a distinctive pattern. Black coloring is typically common on the muzzle, and it gets brown as the dog gets older. The structure of the muzzle is square and muscular. Kombai is rarely overweight and there is always a tendency for a balanced Kombai to keep themselves fit.This breed sheds less due to its short hair.

Kombai can be considered a fiercely protective and confident animal, easily trained and deeply loyal human companions. Kombai is a highly intelligent, and efforts are being made to train these dogs to work to protect and monitor. A Healthy Combai will live for up to fourteen years and being a less eater makes it an ideal family pet.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Terrier
Height : 21 to 25 inches
Weight : 25 to 30 kg
Lifespan : 12 to 15 years
Price : 5000 to 9000 INR

5) Gaddi Kutta

Best Indian Dog breeds

Gaddi Kutta is a mastiff-type mountain dog found in northern India, especially in the western Himalayan region and the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. They are also known as the Himalayan Sheepdog, Indian Panther Hound, as well as Mahidant Mastiff and Bhutia, the former referring to the skills of the breed and the latter to its heritage.

Although originally grown for hunting purposes, the Gaddi Kutta is widely used by local shepherds, mostly Gaddis (from the South Asian tribe of the same name) and is reputed to be strong enough to repel snow leopard attacks and to have the intelligence to herd stray sheep and goats back to their pens.

These come in strong black and tan colors, light fawn and white color occasionally reddish, black and blue. The dogs of working shepherds are shorter and lighter than those kept as pets.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Working
Height : 25 to 32 inches
Weight : 35 to 45 Kg
Lifespan : 8 - 15 years
Price : 1500 to 5000 INR

6) Gull Dong

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Gull Dong is the result of the crossbreding of a Gull Terrier with a Bully Kutta.These have started to be crossed in colonial India and the resulting Gull Dong is revered in India and Pakistan because of its strength and tenacity.

During the British Raj period in India, Bull Terriers were introduced to the Northwest Indian subcontinent, now comprising the modern republics of India and Pakistan.In British India, the Bull Terrier breed exploded in popularity, with the Bull Terrier Club of India being founded in Calcutta.Bull Terriers were mixed with local breeds to create the Gull Terrier.

The Gull Terrier is a medium-sized dog with a short, smooth fur similar to that of the Bull Terrier Staffordshire

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Terrier
Height : 18 to 22 inches
Weight : 20 to 39 kg
Lifespan : 10 to 14 years
Price : N/A

7) Gull Terrier

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Gull Terrier is a watchdog who is going to be wary of strangers. Their high aggression and intense protective drive makes these dogs good protectors, people's & property guardians. This is one of the Indian dog breeds known when it comes to defending their human family to give their lives.

Although the Gull Terrier will be good with children in his immediate human family, known to be aggressive with intruders and fierce because of their blood sports history. Such dogs should not be left with children who are not the part of their family members  & non canine pets. 

The Gull Terr is also known for being very fast, very agile and smooth on his feet.They are headstrong and poorly suited for children, including older children.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Terrier
Height: 18 to 22 inches
Weight: 25 to 29 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 14 years
Price : N/A

8) Indian Spitz

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Indian Spitz is a small dog with a soft neck and a medium tail, pure white double coat about 33 cm (13 ins). Their eyes have very white, greenish or bluish irises. This is one of the reasons that they have such expressive faces that we can rely on looking at the eyes of each other to show us where we look and how we feel about things.

The original Spitz and Pomeranian was bred in cold conditions for hunting, and this is reflected in their black coloring. While not having the same conditions in India, their coloring is appealing and has remained over the years. Some may be brown or white. Generally speaking, they are all white.

This is one of the Indian dog breeds which has fox like ears that makes this breed highly expressive. Thick hair protects the outside of the ears and also covers many of the inside. This can mean that when it comes to treatment and grooming, they need extra attention.

An Indian Spitz's tail curls over their back and is pretty fluffy. Their legs are not very long, being just a little shorter than their bodies, making their heads look big and cute. One of the easiest dogs to live with may be Indian Spitzs. That's why among Indian dog breeds they are arguably the most popular family dog.

They are easily housebroken and trainable, so from an early age they will learn to do their business outside. It is relatively low maintenance to groom and exercise, and dogs are highly adaptable.

This breed looks somewhat like Pomeranian, Samoyed & German Spitz.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Spitz
Height : 16 to 18 inches
Weight : 6 to 20 kg
Lifespan : 10 to 14 years
Price : 2000 to 8000 INR

9) Jonangi

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Jonangi is also known as Jonangi Jagilam or Kolleti Jagilam is an Indian Dog breed, found mainly in separate Andhra Pradesh state as well as in some parts of Karnataka and along the east coast from West Bengal to Tamil Nadu.

It was once present abundantly in and around West Godavari's Kolleru Lake and Andhra Pradesh's Krishna Districts. This dog has a smooth, very short hair. This is one of the Indian dog breeds primarily used by people who have this breed as hunting and also as herding dog.

A one-man or one-family dog, Jonangi is a very fast dog with short strides that can travel very long distances. Jonangi's are known for digging and staying inside it.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : N/A
Height : 18 to 22 inches
Weight : 25 to 39 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 14 years
Price : N/A

10) kaikadi Dog

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Kaikadi belongs to the terrier dog breed named after a nomadic tribe in India, Maharashtra. As a result of the nomadic life they lead watching over herds. Kaikadi is a perfect watchdog, they are also skilled in hunting hare as well as vermin. The Kaikadi is suitable for large open spaces, not for residential homes.

It may be black, tan and white. The Kaikadi is small (approximately 40 centimeters or less) with thin long legs, but powerful thighs and hocks and their tail is long and tapering, with a long and thin head with prominent eyes and long ears standing upright when alert. The breed has short hair, requiring little maintenance.

Features of this breed:

Group : Terrier
Height : 23 - 25 inches
Weight : 16 to 18 kg
Lifespan : 10 to 14 years
Price : N/A

11) Kanni Dog 

Best Indian Dog breeds

The Kanni also known as the Maiden's Beastmaster-is one of the rare indigenous South Indian sighthound Indian dog breeds found in the state of Tamil Nadu. Kanni name is primarily referred to as black and tan and black and sand variety, while Chippiparai is regarded as a single colored variety.

Kannis are dogs of medium size. The body size is average, the top line straight, the belly tucked up. They've got their head straight. With strong jaws and a black nose, the eyes are golden color. The ears are flat and medium in size. Type of ears erect, drop, semi-drop. The tail is slightly curved.

The Kanni is usually shy, but if the need arises, they will always defend their home or master. The Kanni dogs are extremely loyal and easy to train, but when on a hunt they will always think independently. They are good companions, loyal and family friendly.

kanni excels at  hunting deer, hare and other rodents. Kanni usually run very quickly to capture their prey. It traces the hare by the smell of it. When hunting, they will respond quickly to her owner's hand signals and movements to a running rabbit. The key to the Kanni's ability to travel as a dog can be found in its light but muscular construction, large heart, double gallop suspension and extremely flexible spine similar to a cheetah.

These dogs are located in a temperate climate zone. It's enough to have minimal veterinary care. They want conscious room and territory. This breed is therefore suitable for the village and is not suitable for the life of the city. Not a finicky eater, With milk or curd and non-veg foods, Kanni also eats millet, corn, ragi, jowar and rice porridge.

Features of this breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 25 to 29 inches
Weight : 16 to 22 kg
Lifespan : 14 to 16 years
Price: 5000 to 12000 INR

12) Kumaon Mastiff

 Best Indian Dog breeds

Kumaon Mastiff is one of the strongest Indian dog breeds which is large whose bodies are fairly lean, muscular and well-boned. They've got a big strong head and a strong neck. They have a short, soft coat that always comes in brindle, from shades of dark to shades of light. They may have white marks as well. 

Their appearance is said to be as similar to that of the old Great Danes.

They are aggressive dogs and They have to be trained. These dogs have a great ability to guard and display a protective instinct against Intruders.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Working
Height : 23 to 26 inches
Weight : 67 to 81 kg
Lifespan : 10 to 12 years
Price : 60,000 to 120000 INR

13) Mahratta Greyhound

Best Indian Dog Breeds

Mahratta is one of the rare Indian dog breeds which is best described as resembling the smooth-coated Saluki, unknown outside his native province of Maharashtra, because it gives the impression of enduring speed coupled with active strength.

The Mahratta is a compact, well-muscled, deep-seated, and strong-backed sighthound.This breed comes in the color of dark blue and bronze. The coat is short and offers good protection against the different elements of India.

Uncertainty prevails over the lineage of the Mahratta. The essential question remains whether the Mahratta is a descendant of the Saluki or a location of other indigenous Indian sighthounds.

The small size of the Mahratta, in relation to the Rampur and other Indian dogs, makes the most likely developmental hypothesis either Saluki heredity or a pure, ancient origin. With high pace and concentrated energy, in the province for which he was named, the Mahratta is effectively used as a coursing dog for both medium & small sized games.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 22 to 30 inches
Weight : 27 to 30 Kg
Lifespan : 1o to 14 years
Price : N/A

14) Mudhol Hound

 Best Indian Dog Breeds

This Indian dog breeds expression is a gaze that is piercing. The neck is long, muscular and clean, and it fits well into the shoulders. The forelegs are straight and long. The back is long, broad, and muscular with deep and wide loins.This breed has well-sprung ribs, the chest is strong and deep.

This breed hastucked in abdomen with  broad and well-muscled hind quarters.The tail is low which is tapering & strong at the base which carries a natural curve is quite long. With high-footed gait, all four legs bending, shouldn't be hackneyed. There are two varieties of coat on the ears, legs, and tail: one with a completely smooth coat and the other with silky featherings.

The characteristics of the Mudhol or Caravan hound are well defined. The head is long and narrow, with a tapering muzzle wide between the ears. The jaws are powerful and long, with a scissors bite. The nose is black and big. Hanging near the skull, the ears are like a pendulam. The eye colour varies from dark to hazel and are large and oval in shape.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 22 to 30 inches
Weight : 22 to 28 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 15 years
Price : 6000 to 8000 INR

15) Pandikona

Indian Dog Breeds

The Pandikona is a primitive-type hunting dog from Andhra Pradesh India's Pattikonda taluk-Kurnool district. "Pandikona" is a medium-sized sight hound suited to Kurnool district's harsh climatic conditions. This breed is synonymous with that region's shepherd families. This is one of the Indian dog breeds which requires from very less to no care.

This highly aggressive breed is used to defend homes, property and livestock as well as to chase any game available. Their territorial nature and sharp temperament often lead to fight with neighboring dogs that break into their territory.

Since Pandikona is a small village with overlapping property boundaries and most homes have 2 to 3 dogs, it is quite natural for dogs to posture and engage in occasional cross-border squabbles. Most of the fight ends up and one of them gives up and there is no serious injury.

The Pandikona is ideally suited for protecting and hunting work, a formidable guardian that is tolerates mischevious children and young strays but with adults they are deadly serious. The Pandikona will usually alert the attacker to stay away, but the warning is brief and the imminent attack is fast and strong.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 19 to 26 inches 
Weight : 35 to 45 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 15 years
Price : N/A (Rarely Available)

16) Indian Pariah Dog

20 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Should Check Out (𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘)

It is a square medium-sized dog with a slightly rectangular form and short hair. The dog's fur is double, a coarse upper coat, and a soft undercoat.

The most frequently observed colors are brown, with or without white markings, ranging from dark to reddish-brown. Solid black colour are uncommon, but they are pied by some dogs. In pure populations, shaded coats, brindles, solid white and dalmatian-like spotting are never seen.

If you see the above colour it may be the sign of mixing with modern breeds, as they can only be seen in dogs in cities and other places where non-native dogs are introduced.

The head is wedge-shaped, medium-sized. The muzzle is pointing and the length is equal or slightly larger than the head. The neck is noble and erect in the forequarters. The angle of the hindquarters is minimal.

Its a breed with short trot. The eyes are almond shape with dark brown eyes. The ears are held upright, pointing at the tips with a wide base, placed low on the head, and when excited, the tail is curled and held high.

Indian Pariah Dogs are also considered as one of the the toughest and healthiest Indian dog breeds.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : N/A
Height : 23 to 25 inches
Weight : 15 to 30 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 13 years
Price : Upto Rs 5000

17) Rajapalayam Dog

20 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Should Check Out (𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘)

This breed should be kept in optimum working condition as its a hound dog. It tends to be heavier boned than most sighthounds, but it shares the chest depth and basic structure of the body.

The facial structure differs significantly from that of a Caravan Hound, as it is primarily intended for wild boar hunting. There is a slight curl in the tail.

Milk white, with a pink nose and a golden eye is the most precious colour. In the past, colored puppies were usually removed from the litters as the owners favored the pure white pups. The coat is fine and thin.

The Rajapalayam is an extremely beautiful and graceful dog, has a gait similar to that of a thoroughbred horse. Like many white dogs, this breed has a high probablity of deafness. Born with white or blue eyes, the puppies are deaf. Many Rajapalayam dogs are suffering from mange, although this is not usually a serious issue.

Although the breed dates back many generations, the breed's founders unwittingly ended up creating an albino dog with pigmentation lackness and a pink nose.

features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 25 to 30 inches
Weight : 32 to 48 Kg
Lifespan : 10 to 12 years
Price : 18000 to 30000 INR

18) Rampur Greyhound

20 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Should Check Out (𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘)

These are about the same height as most other greyhounds, but they are much bigger and more robust, very similar to the Rhodesian Ridgeback. The Rampur's head is broader and more compact than the English Greyhound's neck.

Like any other hound Indian dog breeds,It has got a flat skull and a sharp nose. It also has a roman bend that is characteristic. High-set on their heads, their ears are held in a rose or pendant fashion. The foot of the Rampur is a large hare shaped which comes with heavy webbing.

Their toes are very articulated and flexible, and they can even bend a little backwards. They are not  different from our own fingers. This maneuverability helps to give them a cat-like balance, with most dogs jumping on ledges and clearing a 6 feet fence very easily. This breed comes in colours like Mouse-gray, grizzle, brindle, particolor and, rarely, black.

In general, the gray and grizzle colors have the ability to blend especially well with forest vegetation, which makes it difficult for people to detect these dogs in broad daylight from a distance of as little as 10 feet. Yet Black is the colour preferred by most of the enthusiasts. The shade of their eyes varies from orange to brown-golden.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 12 to 28 inches
Weight : 27 to 30 kg
Lifespan : 13 to 14 years
Price: 6000 to 12000 INR

19) Vanjari Hound

20 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Should Check Out (𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘)

It's one of the Indian dog breeds found in India. It is a dog of the greyhound type used by Rajasthan's nomadic Vanjari. Especially as a hunting sighthound. It was also used as a guard dog and a herding dog, though.

Currently, the breed is at risk of interbreeding with other dog breeds and due to various other reasons.This breed is also known as Aseel. 

I traveled to Rajasthan once I learned that this breed exists in Rajasthan with nomads in 2017 with A Rajput family member.

Vanjari's body is nearly hairless. They are seen mostly in uniform colour. Most of them are grey or black mouse, fawn, etc. In nature, they're very alert.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Hound
Height : 26 to 28 inches
Weight : 25 to 29 Kg
Lifespan : 12 to 15 years
Price : N/A

20) Vikhan Sheepdog

20 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Should Check Out (𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘)

There is a fearless temperament and great intelligence in this large, muscular and lean working breed. However, This breed requires early socialization as these breeds are highly aggressive and territorial.

The rich fur comes in strong shades of black, brown, red and fawn, but there are also rare multi-colored and spotted dogs.Related to other Molossians in the region, the Vikhan is often described as a "giant Rough Collie" because of its abundant coat used in Pakistan as a wool substitute.

Features of this dog breed:

Group : Working
Height : Around 26 inches
Weight : 25 to 40 Kg
Lifespan : 11 to 14 years
Price : 10000 to 15000 INR
